Thank you Taylor. I really appreciate your studying of the present moment in such a remote environment on the ocean. I love that I shared many moments with you and that you represent them now in your writing so poetically.

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Feb 17Liked by Taylor Gage

Taylor, you just have a way with painting an actual picture or an experience with your words. You are definitely an artist. My husband and I are planning to set sail on our 38’ Caliber this coming Fall. SV October Wind, is currently in The Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Next November we will make our way south towards Florida, then hop on over to the Bahamas. Reading your Substack and watching your YouTube channel has been a delight. Thank you for sharing .

Much Peace and Light to you, Mike, Penny and Lucy ☯️🩷💫☮️⛵️

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I felt all of this - in this moment, reading your words. Thank you for this gift. x

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Feb 16Liked by Taylor Gage

Taylor, I simply love your writing. I feel like I am there alongside you when you describe the ocean and cliffs and community, and poignancy of each moment. Thank you.

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Oh how sweet to read this and tap back into that area of the world. Our feet are a half size larger due to our sea time 💙

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